The fartsiness that comes with artsiness & passion vs ego.

Started by Patricia_Balloona, September 21, 2013, 11:25:59 AM

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Does anyone else go through this here? I am curious as to how folks in the balloon community feel about this and relate to this and how you all deal with it.

I know that for me, if ever I make something super awesome or anything that I get a feeling of competence and accomplishment, I will get super excited and just be on cloud nine.

After I expend all that energy and excitement, I then totally crash and get real low and also very insecure,lol. Insecure about my abilities and if I can repeat the same level or rise a higher level. Now it is nothing major. I get over it after a day or 2. It is just something I have noticed with any kind of artistic endeavor I have partaken in. Part of it I think is just some kind of emotional law of gravity, you spend sooo much energy making something and if you like it or are proud of it or if it gets a big response from others, then you continue to spend energy flying high on positive emotions and excitement, so much so that you run out of gas as it were. Once out of gas you are simply exhausted and in a weakened state and perhaps fall a bit down. A friend has pointed out that the critical voice and insecurity actually helps to keep you humble and open for improvement. The up and downs an ever moving pendulum seeking for a balanced state of relishing victory and yet never being satisfied with yourself so much that you become stagnate and cease to grow.  

Is this simply the fartsiness that comes with artsiness? How do you deal with this if you can relate or what is your experience?

I would also like to add that one way that I know that I have truly found my passion, is that my passion for this endeavor trumps any emotional or confidence state I find myself in.

It is worth the artistic roller coaster and I find that the passion exceeds my ego, so even if I feel insecure or even if I fall on my face, I will get up because in the end it isn't about me, it is about how I just can't not do this, I simply have to do it, it self's me.

The self takes a back seat because the passion is more important, and ironically the passion will give more and more of a satisfying sense of self.
"Much of the beauty that arises in art, comes from the struggle an artist wages with his limited medium" - Henri Matisse.

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