August Competition (Sea Turtle)

Started by Graham Lee, August 02, 2015, 11:20:35 AM

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Graham Lee

The complimentary bag of balloons in orders for this month will be to make the turtle, I will add the full instructions later.
Anyone is welcome to have a go at the model but only those who got the balloons via an order from my websites will be entered into the draw to win a balloon modelling DVD.
If you do win I would like a picture of you with the DVD so we can promote your website and facebook page to help you get some work and to also promote the forum
and website shops so hopefully a win win on both accounts. I wonder who will be first to post?
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

These are the balloons going in with the orders this month. Hopefully enough to make two turtles.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Here we go then with the instructions for the turtle, inflate a 260 leaving approx. 7 fingers un-inflated,
make two 1.5 finger pinch twists followed by two 3 finger bubbles and twist the second 3 finger bubble into the two pinch twists.
You now need a 1 finger bubble followed by a 2 finger bubble and place this between the two 3 finger bubbles you made earlier.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Picture 5 is what it should look like from the front.

You now need to push the air out of the balloon so you have an un-inflated section under the two 3 finger bubbles and then twist the 260 balloon into the two pinch twists, as in picture 6.

The neck should be a 2 finger bubble followed by a 2 finger pinch twist.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Make a 4 finger bubble and a 2 finger bubble, (if you pre stretch the balloon you might be able to make the front flippers 5 fingers and 3 fingers)

Twist this into the pinch twist, then make the other side, a 4 finger and 2 finger.

Hopefully you have approx. 1/2 fingers un-inflated at the end of the balloon as in picture 10.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

I squeeze the air to the end of the 260 and make a 2 finger bubble for the tail. (I tied this into position on the picture just so I could take the photo)

I twist the tail into the balloon leaving a 4 finger bubble for the body, the rear legs will vary in size each time you make.
The more you make the turtle the more evenly it will become each time, nothing like a little practice.

Try to push the air into the body bubble before making the fold twist so the rear legs will be softer to help you when twisting these into place later, will help with less poppage.

Split the fold twist into two evenly.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

The tail bubble is then twisted into the bottom of the fold twist to make the rear legs.

Inflate the 350 so it is 6 fingers in length.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Attach the 350 to either end of the 4 finger body bubble.

A view of the underside to see how the pinch twist sits.

Inflate the 160 to approx. half way, you will not use all this balloon and attach around the underside pinch twist.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Squeeze the air along the 160 and you wrap this around the 350 body bubble and clip underneath the 2 finger tail bubble, twist the 160 into the pinch twist to secure and discard the rest.
Note how the body bubble sits with the front flippers to hold it all nice and securely.

I will post a variation where the 160 is wrapped twice around the body at the end, I have a 4 finger bubble at the point and twist around the tail bubble and then another
4 finger bubble back to the underside pinch twist. See the picture I post later for full details.

The eyes are a 2 finger bubble.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

Split the 2 finger bubble into two and tie, I put the knot into the lower section of the mouth, it hides the knot up better this way.

Add the artwork, some shell design on the 350 I think would look nice.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

A variation with the 160 wrapped around the body twice, if you like.............the choice is yours.
The front legs appear to be protruding from the shell in version two.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.


'lost' the small bubble above the eyes while inserting the eyes (but the results look ok I think). the hind legs are very 'tight', can be better first try anyway... thanks Graham .


just realised I positioned the two pinch twists ( above the neck) wrongly.. :oops:




This is my first attempt at the turtle and also my first comp entry on the forum. clearly didn't do it right as I used two balloons for the body of the turtle. I really like him though and would like to improve so any notes/feedback greatly appreciated!