
Started by Graham Lee, October 02, 2014, 07:39:13 PM

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Graham Lee

We have been playing with Geo's lately and I had an idea today, the dress from a Geo. Now I'm assuming this must have been done before?
The fussy one was the first one made, the weaved bottom of the dress may look better with a larger weave, as I keep saying........only one way to find out!
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.


Had a go at my own version Graham. I added 5 x 160 around the geos. I then continued with groups of 5 bubbles in a 350 and 260 around a 260 core that goes bottom to top of the sculpture.
Kindest Regards

We all have our cross to bear, but some of us need more wood than others!


I really need to learn how to do better head and in particular hair. I think it is the weakest aspect of most of my figures. Still, I like the dress (bit heavy on the number of balloons but nice looking)
Kindest Regards

We all have our cross to bear, but some of us need more wood than others!

Graham Lee

I made about five of these designs tonight and yes this is uncanny I also put the 160 around the geo plus a few other things.
I was putting the pictures up in instalments to space things out a little so I will post them tomorrow.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Thelma Levett

Love this idea. Must also be cheaper to use one geo per layer than four rounds.


Nice idea for a dress :) x


Like the geo's. Will have to have a play!
[size=150]Macker\'s Balloons[/size]
Derbyshire, UK

Graham Lee

Another one from last night,
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Thelma Levett

I love this idea so I had a go.  Instead of offsetting the geos I had them lined up straight and gaged a bigger lip to the geo lips to make a feature go them instead of hiding them at the back. I didn't add any other balloons to the dress except at the bottom to keep the geos tight. Also I blew the top one up normally, the second had a little tube inside so it blew up wider and the third had a 260 balloon pump shoved inside the hole to make it inflate even wider. That was a tip from Colin Myles. Interesting that the wide the hole the wider the geo. Useful too.

Graham Lee

I like the style of that one Thelma, looks 60's'ish. A few more from last night.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.

Graham Lee

I was playing with the geo's again, came up with a couple of idea's, still working on them but for me there is something about this one.
No idea what but something,
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.


I love this idea, especially the last one, I need to try it.

Graham Lee

Quote from: "Cindy"I love this idea, especially the last one, I need to try it.
I still have more to post with this idea, I try to pace the posts though.
"Lets Improve Our Art"
Balloon Excellence 2012 Award Winner
For Services to the Balloon Community.


I have a terrible time with anything but basic hair.  Anyone have some suggestions for good resources for hair design?


My apologies!  I just saw the thread in the tutorial section on "hair"!